Click below to play
With an ACTUAL Shovel
To Redistribute Their Wealth
Movement: WASD
Cycle Camera: C
Look: mouse
Shovel: click
Your shovel awaits you
The Rich have Prevailed
Uh oh! Don't let Jeff ship himself to paradise while minimum-wage workers and taxpayers pay his bills!
Same-day deliver a shovel right to his face and spread the wealth to people who deserve it!
Quick, grab your jetpack! Elon's about to launch himself into space!
Don't let Elon escape the catastrophic global warming caused by billionaires like him!
Launch, land and relaunch your shovel to send him crashing into the sun where he belongs.
You have redistributed over $500 billon from the 2 richest people in the world.
That's enough to give $5000 to every homeless person in the world, or $10,000,000 to every homeless person in the US.